
Hair Restoration

Aesthetic Clinic located in Monroe, NJ

Hair Restoration

Hair restoration is a transformative treatment that can help individuals regain confidence and achieve a fuller head of hair. At Glow Medical Aesthetics in Monroe, New Jersey, internal medicine specialist Aruna Chakrala, MD, and a team of experienced providers offer some of the most innovative treatments to help you achieve a fuller, more voluminous head of hair. Contact the office by phone or schedule a consultation via this website to learn more. 

Hair Restoration Q & A

What is hair restoration?

Hair restoration describes several procedures that aim to restore hair in areas where it has thinned or been lost. At Glow Medical Aesthetics, the goal is to improve the overall health of your hair without surgical intervention. 

Hair restoration may include therapies such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP), low-level laser therapy (LLLT), and topical treatments. These methods work by enhancing blood circulation to hair follicles, encouraging hair growth, and slowing down hair loss.

How do hair restoration treatments work?

Hair restoration treatments revitalize dormant hair follicles. For example, PRP therapy involves using your body’s platelet-rich plasma to encourage circulation and growth in hair follicles. LLLT devices emit low-level laser energy to boost hair growth. 

Topical treatments may also encourage your hair to grow thicker and longer. Dr. Chakrala and the team consult with you and consider your personal circumstances to determine what’s best for your specific needs and goals.

How long does it take to see results from hair restoration treatments?

The timeline for noticeable results varies depending on the treatment method and your scalp’s personal reaction. Generally, observing visible improvements in hair thickness and growth may take a few months. Consistency with treatment and patience are essential for achieving the best outcomes.

Am I a good candidate for hair restoration methods?

You’re a good candidate for hair restoration treatments if you have thinning hair or noticeable hair loss. Men and women benefit from the methods offered at Glow Medical Aesthetics. 

Treatment usually works best when you’re in the initial stages of hair loss or have mild thinning. Hair restoration can cause a noticeable slowdown in hair loss or a reversal of loss. 

Hair restoration at Glow Medical Aesthetics can also help anyone with previous surgical hair restoration maintain their results and further improve hair density. The methods offered at Glow Medical Aesthetics offer natural-looking results that help blend seamlessly into your natural hair. 

If you have more questions or wish to explore these treatments further, contact Glow Medical Aesthetics. Call today or use the online tool to start your journey to healthier, more vibrant hair.