

Aesthetic Clinic located in Monroe, NJ


Fillers are a nonsurgical way to create a more youthful, relaxed look. At Glow Medical Aesthetics in Monroe, New Jersey, internal medicine specialist Aruna Chakrala, MD, and a team of experienced providers offer fillers such as Juvederm® to enhance your features and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. If you’re curious about how fillers can enhance your look, call today or use the online tool to book an appointment. 

Fillers Q & A

How do dermal fillers work?

Fillers are nonsurgical cosmetic treatments that use injectable compounds to restore lost volume, smooth wrinkles, and enhance facial contours. 

The Juvederm family of fillers used at Glow Medical Aesthetics contain hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body. When injected, they add volume to targeted areas, instantly reducing the appearance of wrinkles, lines, and sagging skin. You may choose them to:

  • Smooth out smile lines, parentheses lines, and marionette lines
  • Restore volume in gaunt cheeks or temples
  • Plump and enhance the lips
  • Smooth out chin creases
  • Diminish vertical lip lines

Dr. Chakrala and her team artfully inject fillers to sculpt cheeks and rejuvenate the overall appearance of your face. You get natural-looking results with minimal downtime.

How long do the effects of filler treatments typically last?

The longevity of filler results can vary depending on the type of filler used, the treated area, and your personal metabolism. Generally, results can last anywhere from six months to two years. The team at Glow Medical Aesthetics recommends maintenance visits to sustain the desired effects over time.

Do fillers require downtime?

Fillers are safe when administered by trained professionals like those at Glow Medical Aesthetics. Minor side effects may occur right after treatment, including potential swelling, bruising, or redness at the injection site. These side effects resolve quickly, however.

You can usually return to your regular activities immediately after the procedure.

Can fillers be used in combination with other treatments?

The team at Glow Medical Aesthetics may recommend you combine fillers with other treatments, such as Dysport® for wrinkle smoothing or Kybella® for double chin reduction. Combining aesthetic injectables helps you achieve comprehensive facial rejuvenation. The Glow Medical Aesthetics team provides a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific aesthetic goals.

Am I a good candidate for fillers?

You’re a good candidate for fillers if you’re generally healthy and have concerns related to volume loss, wrinkles, or facial asymmetry. During your consultation, Dr. Chakrala assesses your suitability for fillers and discusses your goals to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for you.

If you’re ready to set up your filler consultation, call Glow Medical Aesthetics today or use this website to book your appointment.